St. Michael's Faith Formation program welcome you to a safe and friendly environment, in which your children will take steps in forming a strong faith in Jesus Christ our Savior. The program runs from mid-September to mid-May and classes are held in the Parish Office building, across from the Church's side entrance.
Please see the information below, but the very best way to learn more about the program is to contact Kathleen Burns at 518-428-6353. NotesNOTE: A student must complete two years of Faith Formation (not including kindergarten) before making First communion. This usually begins in First grade, but any grade level is welcome to prepare for First Communion.
NOTE: Three years of Faith Formation instruction are required for Confirmation, usually beginning in Eighth grade with Confirmation being made in the Spring of Tenth grade. News and InformationUPDATES TO FAITH FORMATION
Changes to our Faith Formation and Youth Ministry Programs Read the letter from Fr. Kelly. FAITH FORMATION REGISTRATION
Faith Formation classes are now in session. If you would like to register your child please contact Kathleen Burns at (518) 428-6353. NO ONE WILL EVER BE TURNED AWAY FOR ANY REASON.
ST. MICHAEL FEAST DAY We will celebrate the Feast of St. Michael on Sunday, September 29th at 9am. We will honor St. Michael with our area first responders. Please consider attending to celebrate our Patron saint and to honor him with those who have him as their patron Saint. A simple breakfast reception will be held immediately after the Mass. CATECHISTS Recently our catechists and volunteers were recognized at the annual Catechetical Sunday Mass on September 15th. Our theme this year is “Lord, when did we see you hungry”. Thank you to all who volunteer their time, talent and treasure to help our children along in their faith journey. A PRAYER FOR CATECHISTS Loving Father, we pray today for our Catechists. We thank you for their gift of ministry in your Church. Grant them your wisdom that they may grow in the understanding and teaching of your Word. Grant them also your love that they may be fruitful heralds of your Word and lead others to love you. Pour forth your Holy Spirit upon them to grant them wisdom about what is important; Knowledge of the truths of faith, understanding of their meaning; Right judgement about how to apply them in life; Courage to persevere even in the face of adversity; Reverence before all that is sacred and holy; And that loving zeal which leads others to a transforming encounter with your Son. We pray this through Christ our Lord. Amen. REGISTRATION FOR THE 2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR IS NOW OPEN Instruction for grades K-8 will be on Wednesday evenings at 6pm at St. Michael's Parish Center. All children in Kindergarten to 10th grade are encouraged to register. It is highly recommended to return to Faith Formation after completing First Communion. Our tentative start date is Wednesday, September 18th at 6pm. We will gather in the church hall and have an ice cream party. An additional option for students in grades 9 and 10 will be offered on the last Thursday of each month from 6pm-8pm. Tentative start date is Thursday, September 26th at 6pm. Please remember that 2 years of Faith Formation is required to make First Communion, usually beginning in first grade. Kindergarten students are welcome to register as well. For Confirmation, 3 years of Faith Formation is required, beginning in eighth grade. Unusual circumstances will always be considered. We have programs to help our children receive the Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion if they are “behind” in receiving these Sacraments. No one will ever be turned away for any reason. Please contact Kathleen Burns (518) 428-6353 with any questions. |
Weather-related Closing
Please watch Channel 13 WNYT for weather-related closings.
St. Michael's is listed as "St. Michael's Cohoes Faith Formation."
NOTE: If Cohoes Public schools are closed, we will be closed also.
NOTE: If weather becomes bad after school dismissal, Faith Formation closing will be posted on Channel 13.
St. Michael's is listed as "St. Michael's Cohoes Faith Formation."
NOTE: If Cohoes Public schools are closed, we will be closed also.
NOTE: If weather becomes bad after school dismissal, Faith Formation closing will be posted on Channel 13.
Report Absence
To report absentee or for any questions, please contact Mrs. Burns at 518-428-6353
General Information
In-person Faith Formation classes are held on Wednesday evenings . Classes are held in the church hall to allow for social distancing. All health safety protocols are followed. We will follow the usual schedule on Wednesday nights. Please refer to the schedule that was mailed to all registered parents. It is not too late to register your child to attend class. Please contact Kathleen Burns for registration, schedule, and virtual information. Call Mrs. Burns at (518) 428-6353.